Advent 2023 - Secondary

This resource invites secondary schools to journey through the four weeks of Advent, reflecting on the Gospel and sharing in the stories of our sisters and brothers around the world. Each week, one of the Advent themes of hope, peace, joy and love is explored, with a special focus on the idea of integral ecology that Pope Francis emphasises in Laudato Si’ (2015) and Laudate Deum (2023).

Each week:

  • Pause to contemplate some words of wisdom from Pope Francis and pray the Advent prayer
  • light an Advent wreath candle
  • hear the Gospel (The Jerusalem Bible)
  • reflect on the theme, following the Cardijn See–Judge–Act–Pray rhythm: see a Caritas story; judge how the Advent theme is at work in this and in your own story; act in response to all you have reflected on; and pray, to gather your thoughts and intentions and commit them to God.
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