Why leave a gift in your Will to Caritas Australia
When you include Caritas Australia in your Will, your values and commitment to tackling poverty and supporting sustainable change live on.

Biru with family members and neighbours at his bicycle repair shop outside his home in his village in the state of Jharkhand, India. Photo: Sameer Bara/Caritas Australia.
“Caritas changes lives from our nearest neighbour Papua New Guinea all the way to the Congo in Africa. I am amazed by how much can be done with not very much money.
A bequest to Caritas is a small thing I can leave behind to give thanks to God for the many gifts I’ve received.”

How to leave a Gift in your Will
Including a Gift in your Will is simple. You can either include it when you or your solicitor write your Will, or add an amendment to an existing Will.
If you would like to discuss leaving a gift with us, please contact our Gifts in Wills Specialist on 0438 530 908 or read our guide on how to leave a legacy of love.

Angelo and Angel preparing to go to school in the Philippines. Photo: Richard Wainwright/Caritas Australia.
Our Bequest Charter
We understand that making a Will is an important decision. When you trust us with a gift in your Will, Caritas Australia offers these assurances:
We will always respect your privacy. We appreciate your Will is completely personal and a decision you need to make in your own time.
We understand that your family and friends come first and that leaving a gift in your Will is a personal decision.
If you do leave a gift in your Will to Caritas Australia, we would love to hear from you and to have the opportunity to thank you. But if you prefer not to tell us, we will respect that. Any information you do decide to share with us is completely confidential.
We will gladly assist you with any questions you have, and will endeavour to keep you up to date with our work in a way that best suits you – just let us know.
We will invest your gift wisely and cost effectively, so that it makes a direct impact towards our vision of creating generational change for the poor and marginalised.
You and your loved ones will always have the opportunity to engage with Caritas Australia and see first-hand the work made possible by gifts like yours.
We will honour your legacy with care, sensitivity and respect.

You can create your Will online
We've partnered with Safewill, Australia’s leading online Will creation platform that offers the convenience of completing your Will from the comfort of your home at the discounted price of 50% off.
Simply prepare your Will online, submit it for review (they'll respond within three days), and print and sign it.
Caritas Australia is a proud member of Include a Charity, a social change campaign to encourage more people to leave a gift in their will. By supporting more people to leave a legacy to the causes they are passionate about we will expand the positive impact of charities in our society.
Frequently Asked Questions
A gift, or bequest, in your Will is a donation left to a charity or not-for-profit of your choice, as stated in your Will. Gifts can be:
- A Specific Gift: a sum of money, property or shares. You can ask your solicitor to draft a cash gift to account for inflation.
- A Residuary Gift: the remainder of your estate after all expenses, debts and taxes have been paid, and after any specific gifts.
- A Percentage Gift: a percentage of your residuary estate. This gift is used if you wish to divide your estate among a number of people or organisations.
Your Will can be updated at any time. When updating your Will, it is important to speak to your legal advisor.
While the decision is ultimately up to you, a residuary gift is the most helpful to us because the gift won’t lose value over time. This can help us plan better and have a greater impact with our work for years to come.
When you leave a gift to Caritas Australia in your Will, it will be used towards our most vital programs, projects and activities as needed - helping the world’s most vulnerable to become self-sufficient and amplify their voices. Your gift will be used efficiently and cost-effectively, so it will have the greatest impact.
Please notify us by reaching out to our Gifts in Wills Specialist on 0438 530 908 or email legacyoflove@caritas.org.au so we can assist you in a timely manner.
Legal name: Caritas Australia Limited
ABN: 90 970 605 069
Post: GPO Box 9830, Sydney NSW 2001
Head office: Level 2, Building 3, 189 O'Riordan Street,
Mascot NSW 2020
Please contact our Gifts in Wills Specialist on 0438 530 908 or email Legacyoflove@caritas.org.au, ensuring you are also able to provide all supporting legal documentation for the bequest.