Tarsini with her savings and loans group near her home. Photo: Laz Harfa.

Donate now to help dreams come true

I'd like to make this donation

I would like to give

will go towards providing education assistance for girls and boys in secondary schools
a month can contribute to building a mobile hand washing station to support a community with clean water.

Other amount

will help vulnerable communities to create a better tomorrow

Donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible

Anatercia sits with her grandfather and grandmother outside their home in Mozambique. Photo credit: Emidio Josine/Caritas Australia.
Anatercia sits with her grandfather and grandmother outside their home in Mozambique. Photo credit: Emidio Josine/Caritas Australia.

Help light the way for children like Anatercia

Anatercia’s dream is to become a nurse. But when Anatercia was just four years old, her father passed away, leaving her with little choice but to take on adult responsibilities to support her family.

With no clean water in her village, Anatercia had to travel up to five hours each day to collect water, leaving her exhausted, with little time for school. As she took on more and more responsibilities around the home, her education and her wellbeing began to suffer.

Thanks to the generosity of supporters like you, Caritas Australia’s local partner, Caritas Regional Chokwe, was able to help build a gravity irrigation system in Anatercia’s community, as well as install a system of taps in her community.

Now, Anatercia can easily access clean drinking water, and she can dedicate more time to her studies. She can work towards fulfilling her dream of becoming a nurse, and improving healthcare in her community for years to come.

There are many families across the world like Anatercia’s who need your support. I hope you will draw on your compassion with a gift to help a community overcome the challenges of today so they can build a better tomorrow.

“We have run out of food several times. I help my family with the farm, cooking, fetching water and firewood, and caring for my mother. I also assist my grandfather in feeding, as he has difficulty in picking up utensils due to blindness.”


Immerse yourself in the daily life of Anatercia

Anatercia was struggling to cope with adult responsibilities after her father passed away. Now, she can access clean drinking water, her community is able to grow healthy crops year-round, and there is enough nutritious food to eat. Anatercia feels more supported, has time to do her homework, and hopes to fulfil her dream.

Your donation can help to:

Tarsini buying fresh produce at local market. Photo: Laz Harfa.

Improve food and water security

Anatercia walks to her local school in her village in Mozambique. Photo credit: Emidio Josine/Caritas Australia.

support children to go to school

Anatercia works in her fields in Mozambique. Photo credit: Emidio Josine/Caritas Australia.

Provide psychosocial supports to vulnerable youth

Anatercia helps her elderly grandmother on the farm where they grow corn, beans, sweet potato, casava and lettuce. The farm is over an hour walk away from home so when her grandmother can’t make the journey, other community members help Anatercia. Photo: Emidio Josine/Caritas Australia

Help create lasting change for children like Anatercia

I'd like to make this donation

I would like to give

will go towards providing education assistance for girls and boys in secondary schools
a month can contribute to building a mobile hand washing station to support a community with clean water.

Other amount

will help vulnerable communities to create a better tomorrow

Donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible