Shaniella learnt disaster risk reduction skills to prepare for emergencies in the Solomon Islands. Photo: Neil Nuia

Take action on climate change

As climate change damages our homes and land, the impact on our neighbours in the Pacific is extreme. Our voices, together, can get governments and polluters to take action to achieve climate justice and protect our common home. 

We are calling on the Australian Government to:

Adopt and implement an ambitious, credible and just plan to tackle climate change.

Our government must adopt effective climate targets and a credible plan for reducing emissions in line with the Paris Agreement made at COP21.

Support local responses to climate resilience and adaptation.

Rich countries have to meet their existing commitments to help other countries adapt to climate change.  This support needs to reach the people who know what their communities need.

Make big polluters pay for the loss and damage they have caused.

This will help vulnerable communities to adapt and recover from extreme weather evens.

The Pacific region is calling on big wealthy polluters to finally pick up the bill for their climate debts.

Small island nations in the Pacific have contributed only 0.5 per cent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions yet are struggling to pay for the increased frequency and severity of climate change impacts. Our Pacific partners tell us that they are surrounded by water, but there is not enough to drink. They have contaminated ground water from rising sea levels, and they are forced to shore up their seawalls with old tyres.

The displacement of people due to climate change is a growing humanitarian disaster. Displaced by a Changing Climate is a Caritas confederation report that explores the experiences of people around the world displaced by climate change.

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The Laudato Si' Action Plan

Caritas Australia has launched a Laudato Si’ Action Plan in response to the Pope’s Laudato Si' encyclical issued in May 2015.

In simple terms, the Pope’s message illustrates an urgent and imperative need to address the ecological crisis facing the planet. At the heart of Caritas Australia’s action plan lies a comprehensive approach to advocacy, community engagement, and ecological education. Crafted under the guidance of Caritas Australia’s Climate Community of Practice, the plan sets forth a roadmap for fostering sustainability at all levels within the organisation.

You can read the action plan and more about Catholic Earthcare's activities here.

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