Viewing 1-20 of 35

Poverty - Upper Primary

An introduction to the issue of global poverty.

Pptx 13 MB

Poverty in Our World - Upper Primary

A series of learning activities that unpacks the issue of global poverty.

Pdf 1.2 MB

Poverty - Secondary

An introduction to the issue of global poverty.

Pptx 13 MB

Poverty in Our World - Secondary Lessons

A series of learning activities that deeply unpacks the issue of global poverty.

Pdf 2 MB

Caring for Creation - Secondary

A series of ‘See, Judge, Act’ lessons on the environment/creation through a Catholic lens.

Pptx 12.2 MB

Case Studies - Peter (Solomon Islands) - Secondary

A case study featuring Peter from Solomon Islands, with film link and activities for secondary students.

Pdf 2.2 MB

Case Studies Thandolwayo, Zimbabwe (Secondary)

A story about access to water in Zimbabwe with accompanying activities.

Pdf 1 MB

Climate Action Game (Secondary)

A game based around six families who are working to make a living but who experience the effects of climate change along the way.

Zip 15.3 MB

Walk with Me - Song Lyrics with Reflection Questions (Primary)

Walk With Me by Gary Pinto. Song lyrics and guided reflection questions for students.

Pdf 145.8 KB

Walk with Me - Song Lyrics with Reflection Questions (Secondary)

Walk With Me by Gary Pinto. Song lyrics and guided reflection questions for students.

Pdf 145.2 KB

Case Study - Shirley (Philippines) - Lower Primary

A photo story book about Shirley from the Philippines.

Pdf 5.8 MB

Case Study - Shirley (Philippines) - Middle Primary

A story about Shirley, an indigenous health worker in the Philippines. Activities included.

Pdf 2.1 MB

Case Study - Shirley (The Philippines) - Upper Primary

A story about Shirley, an indigenous health worker in the Philippines. Activities included.

Pdf 1.6 MB

Case Study- Phany (Cambodia) - Lower Primary

A photo story book about Phany, a farmer in Cambodia. Activities included.

Pdf 4.4 MB

Case Study- Phany (Cambodia) - Middle Primary

A story about Phany, a farmer in Cambodia. Learning activities included.

Pdf 2 MB

Case Study- Phany (Cambodia) - Upper Primary

A story about Phany, a farmer in Cambodia. Learning activities included.

Pdf 1.8 MB

Case Study - Barry (Australia) - Lower Primary

A story about Barry and the Red Dust Healing program. Learning activities included.

Pdf 4 MB

Case Study - Barry (Australia) - Middle Primary

A story about Barry and the Red Dust Healing program. Learning activities included.

Pdf 1.3 MB

Case Study - Barry (Australia) - Upper Primary

A story about Barry and the Red Dust Healing program. Learning activities included.

Pdf 1 MB

Case Study - Sakun (India) - Lower Primary

A photo story book about Sakun and how she has built a thriving kiosk to support herself. Learning activities included.

Pdf 3.2 MB