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  7. Give the gift of lasting change this Christmas with Caritas Australia’s Global Gifts

29 OCT 24

Give the gift of lasting change this Christmas with Caritas Australia’s Global Gifts

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Priscilla A Farmer And Grandmother In Zimbabwe Features On The Caritas Australia Global Gift Cards This Christmas Photo Credit Caritas Australia

This Christmas, Caritas Australia is giving you the opportunity to give a gift on behalf of another that can change a life, support a family, and transform a community.  

Caritas Australia’s Global Gifts come in the form of a card that represents a donation. Whether you purchase your Global Gift for a family member, friend or colleague, each gift reflects real items and support that will help assist the world’s most vulnerable people in their fight against poverty and injustice.  

Orders for printed cards need to be placed by the 6th of December so that they arrive in time for Christmas.     

With nine cards on offer you can choose from gifts of education, gifts of health and gifts of empowerment. One card signifies a donation that can support Mums caring for children with disabilities, while another could provide a child in Zimbabwe with access to education. The purchase of a pack of five cards can help transport food parcels to Tsunami hit outer islands in Tonga.  

Michael McGirr, Mission Facilitator at Caritas Australia said, “Christmas is a wonderful time of year, and a great time to exercise a little extra compassion and gratitude. Our Global Gifts are one way to express that, with many touching on themes that might mean something to the special people in your life.” 

“Perhaps someone you know cares deeply for people with disabilities or about access to education for children. They may simply have everything they need and would take joy in knowing a family in need was supported in their honour.” 

“How beautiful to give a gift that gives back. After all, those who give to the poor lend to the Lord and will be repaid for their good deed.” 


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