The impact of your compassionate support
With your help, we worked in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania and Zimbabwe. Our partnership in compassion supported 15 development programs reaching 553,995 people like Memory from Malawi. Thanks to your support she joined the A+ Program, which helped her gain an education and graduate with an advanced certificate in Carpentry and Joinery. After she graduated, Memory was able to secure a job as a carpenter at one of the largest hydroelectric power companies in Malawi.
Your generosity helped support families across the Pacific region, reaching 107,193 people. This includes the Lemakot Health Centre in Papua New Guinea. Rainwater seeped into treatment rooms through a leaky roof, jeopardising hygiene, safe electricity and water storage. With your support, our local partners replaced the facility’s roof. An immensely impactful improve, now the centre can safely deliver healthcare.
Your generosity helped support communities across Asia through 28 development programs, reaching 1,027,716 people like Chiquito from Timor Leste. With your kindness and the work of our partner, Caritas Diocesana Malina, he participated in sustainable agricultural training. Now, by applying his new skills, his farm is thriving and his family has enough income to buy food.
Your generosity helped support 401,530 people and partners across 6 programs across Australia. One such program is Grassroots Youth Engagement (GYE), led by our partner Grassroots Action Palmerston (GAP). With your support, GYE provides Indigenous youth with employment pathways, mentorship and emotional support to help heal intergenerational trauma.