Rosalie stands arms by her sides in the middle of a dirt road looking directly ahead at the Democratic Republic of Congo. Credit: Arlette Bashizi/CAFOD

The Power of Choice

Rosalie had only one option, to survive. With the help of skills training, she was able to harness her power to choose her own future.

In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the cycle of poverty continues when women have no choice over their lives but to survive. Barriers like limited access to education, violence and conflict are all contributing factors to the lack of autonomy.
It takes bravery to overcome this hardship. Gaining access to skills training is key to a future with freedom and autonomy.

She survived, but you can help her thrive.


How your support helps to enable choice:

Far too often, women are exposed to threats outside of their control that perpetuate the cycle of poverty. Our locally led programs seek to support women to find agency and control over their lives through critical skills training.

With your generous help, skills training includes:

Finance management skills

Understand conflict management skills


Accounting skills

Training in sustainable agricultural practices

Optimise health and wellness

Skills training means the power to:

Rosalie's children are doing homework at home in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Credit: Arlette Bashizi/CAFOD

Break the cycle of poverty

Rosalie's education was taken from her when she couldn't afford school.

With the help of the Saving and Internal Lending Community Group (SILC), she learned invaluable skills like finance management, accounting and entrepreneurship.

Rosalie now has her own small business and the financial freedom to break the cycle of poverty and send her kids to school.

Rosalie is seated, holding a tub of the ice blocks that she sells in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Credit: Arlette Bashizi/CAFOD

Secure employment and income

Rosalie was a child soldier with limited access to education or employment opportunities.

With the help of people like you, she could participate in business and social skills training learning financial literacy and peacebuilding.

Today, Rosalie is a successful entrepreneur selling second-hand shoes, natural remedies, juice and iceblocks.

Rosalie is seated with other people in the community as they participate in skills training in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Credit: Arlette Bashizi/CAFOD

Create a collaborative community

Rosalie had to be a survivor enduring the adversities of being a child soldier. Upon return, she suffered prejudice in her community.

Support from the Protection & Re-Integration of Ex-Combatants program helped Rosalie to find a sense of peace through learning conflict prevention and resolution skills.

She is now a leader and role model in her community.

“I can eat, dress, maintain my health and help others. My children study and manage to eat twice a day. Really, there is more joy in sharing with others.”  - Rosalie

Rosalie is seated with other people in the community as they participate in skills training in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Credit: Arlette Bashizi/CAFOD

Help women like Rosalie to thrive

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can help a program participant acquire a small kiosk to start a sewing business.
a month could buy water filters to provide families and students in Malawi with access to clean and safe water

Other amount

to support women in vulnerable communities.

Donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible


Along with your generous support, this program is also supported by the Australian Government, through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP). 

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