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Where We Work

The Democratic Republic of the Congo  

The Democratic Republic of the Congo is the largest country in Sub-Saharan Africa with a population of over 95 million.  

A combination of ongoing conflict, food insecurity, natural disasters, a lack of access to basic services, poor governance, recurrent outbreaks of disease and political instability means that the DRC is one of the most fragile countries in the world.  

Rosalie With Her Silc Group

The impact of your support in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Impact Map
Impact Map

Program snapshot

  • Protection of Girls and Children in Mining project: Many parents from low-income households are forced to send their children to mining sites to work and bring money. Many young girls, despite the prospect of abuse, continue to remain in these conditions. This project helps address to reduce child labour in mines so that children can go back to school and to protect young girls from sexual abuse.

  • Integrated Community Development Project in the Democratic Republic of the Congo : The project helps empower vulnerable families by improving agriculture production and creating livelihoods opportunities. It also builds the capacity of youths, especially women, in entrepreneurship and small business start up. Another focus of the project is reducing domestic and gender-based violence against women and girls through education, access to safe homes and training in positive masculinity. Along with your generous support, this program is supported by the Australian Government, through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).

DRC Rosetteandherchildren Caritasbukavu

Children can spend more time at school instead of working in mines.  

Silc Group In The Drc

Young women who have been through trauma can learn vocational training skills.  

Anita 19 Collects Food From Caritas In The Ebola Hit Town Of Mambasa Drc Promesse's Family Has Been Short Of Money And Food Since The Epidemic Hit Local Markets

Families can improve their food security so that their children don’t have to go to sleep hungry.  

Rosalie Story Project Compassion 20230 Just World For All

Young people are equipped with the skills to improve their employment prospects. 

Rosalie Story Project Compassion (7) Resized (1)

Rosalie’s story

Rosalie is an ex-combatant who lives with her husband and seven children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Forced to join the army when she was just 14years-old, Rosalie experienced significant trauma and hardship during her years in the military. After she was demobilised from the army, Rosalie, like other ex-combatants, was left to fend for herself in the community.   

With your generous support and through our local partners, Rosalie was able to connect with other members of her community and participate in business skills training to help her to reintegrate into society.  

She joined a Saving and Internal Lending Community group (SILC), which helped her with a loan to start her own small business selling second-hand shoes and natural remedies. She has now become the SILC group’s president, helping other women to start their own businesses.  

Rosalie has become a role model for other ex-combatants who are seeking to readjust to civilian life. Her leadership is inspiring others to overcome the trauma and violence of the past and to work towards a more peaceful and harmonious world for future generations.  

“The program allowed me to learn to work hand-in-hand with other members of the community... I learnt that there is more joy in sharing with others,” 

Rosalie In Her Garden Thiumbnail


Rosalie’s story - From Child Soldier to entrepreneur

Rosalie from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) was forced to become a child soldier when her mother couldn’t afford to send her to school. When Rosalie was finally free from her military life, skills training allowed her to break the cycle for her children.

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