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India is the most populous nation in the world where there is increasing inequality between those with high and low income. The majority of tribal populations still depend on rural subsistence activities.

Though the government has launched numerous rural development schemes and programs to alleviate and eradicate poverty, illiteracy and health hazards the most vulnerable tribal communities are often left behind due to inaccessibility and absence of support services. 

Biru Working In The Fields

The impact of your support in India

Impact Map
Impact Map

Program snapshot

  • Gram Nirman project: The project focuses on supporting Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes living in Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh, which are two states with the highest proportion of tribal people and among India's poorest. In partnership with Caritas India, the program helps farmers, migrants, women and youth to improve their livelihood opportunities and increase their income. Along with your generous support, this program is supported by the Australian Government, through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).

  • Khushal Bachpan Dignity of Children in India project : More than one-third of India’s population are children, with the majority of them living in rural areas. Many lack access to nutrition, access healthcare, education, and protection. The project is implemented by our partner Caritas India in 50 villages across 10 districts. The project aims to ensure children can lead safe, happy and dignified childhoods and reduce the risk of child labour and early marriage.

Reciting Activity In Rajasthan

Children can be supported to go to school and spend time learning in the classroom.

Children In A Village In India

Children are protected from risks such as child labour, exploitation, early marriage and abuse.

Biru PC22

Community members can diversify their livelihoods to improve their income.

A Group Of Women In India

Communities can learn strategies to mitigate the impact of climate change.

Biru Can Now Open His Own Bike Repair Business (1)

Biru’s story  

Biru is a member of the Ho community, an ethnic minority group in India. After contracting polio as a child, he lost mobility in one of his legs, which affected his independence, education and employment prospects. 

Biru taught himself how to repair bicycles by watching other people, but he never dreamed of using those skills to start his own business. With your generous support, Biru was able to access an entrepreneurship and livelihoods training program, run by Caritas Australia’s partner, Caritas India. He gained the support and skills he needed to establish his own bicycle repair business. Participating in the program also helped Biru to apply for government disability and housing schemes.

Now, Biru is financially independent and can forge a path out of poverty for his four young daughters. He is a respected and essential member of his community, working as a bicycle and motorcycle mechanic to keep his neighbours, friends and families safe on the road. His resilience and determination to overcome the odds has inspired others in his community who are living with a disability to become independent and self-reliant.  

“Now members of my community have started listening to my opinion. I am getting appreciation and recognition,” 

Biru Hero Thumbnail


Biru’s story  

As a person with a disability living in remote India, Biru faced the prospect of a life of poverty and discrimination. With your support, he participated in entrepreneurship training and gained the skills to become financially independent.

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