Urgent assistance is needed as the prolonged drought worsens poverty in Zimbabwe.
In Zimbabwe, the severe impact of a prolonged drought and extreme changes in the weather are making life even harder for families like Priscilla’s. As crops fail and livestock die, normally resilient families have become more vulnerable to hunger and financial insecurity.
In Priscilla’s village, we work with local partners to deliver programs that drive lasting change for individuals and their communities. Along with other members of her community, Priscilla has learnt about conservation farming to grow more drought-resistant crops. From an increased harvest, she has been able to buy hens, whose eggs now bring income to support her family.
Your generosity can help meet the immediate and future needs of families living in the most vulnerable conditions.

Priscilla, her husband Charles and their grandsons Obry (8) and Jayden (7) outside their home in Hwange district, north western Zimbabwe. Photo: Richard Wainwright/Caritas Australia
Your compassion can help support families facing hunger through:

Priscilla watches her cattle enter the dip tank near her home in Hwange district, north western Zimbabwe. Photo: Richard Wainwright/Caritas Australia
Giving livestock to families for income and food security

Priscilla practices conservation farming skills she learned from Caritas Hwange. Photo: Richard Wainwright/Caritas Australia.
Building and planting a nutrition garden for a village

Thandolwayo collecting water in Zimbabwe. Photo credit: Richard Wainwright/Caritas Australia.
Access to safe and clean water, with solar-powered pumps
Your compassion in action can help build a better future
For 60 years, Caritas Australia has worked hand in hand with the most marginalised communities across Asia, Africa, the Pacific and with First Australian communities to confront and overcome the challenges of poverty. Caritas Australia is part of Caritas Internationalis, one of the largest humanitarian networks in the world with over 160 Member Organisations. Working through this global network of local partners and Church networks is what enables us to reach where need is greatest.
Through the generosity of supporters like you, we partner with local communities in need. In times of crisis such as natural disasters or armed conflict we can work through and with our local partners to bring urgent aid to where it is needed most.
In the longer term, we support programs that help communities build on their own strengths and resources to drive transformative and sustainable change. Change that can help people live with dignity and rise out of poverty. This is your compassion in action.
Your support helps families in need by:
Improving food security
Helping communities access clean water
Supporting children and young adults through education
Your gift will help deliver much-needed support to communities around the world. Wherever we work, Caritas Australia is focused on empowering families and communities to build on existing strengths and resources and drive their own transformative change.
Your gift today will help communities like Priscilla’s to build their capacity to increase food security, provide adequate nutrition and generate sustainable income.