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18 AUG 23

Online Launch to Celebrate the Season of Creation 2023

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Sandhurst Diocese Launched Their Commitment To Laudato Si' Action On The Banks Of The Broken Creek Nathalia. Credit Catholic Education Sandhurst

To celebrate the Season of Creation, Caritas Australia invites Catholic communities nationwide to attend an online launch on September 4 at 6:00 PM AEST, offering participants an enriching and informative experience through its Catholic Earthcare program.

An ecumenical celebration, the Season of Creation is an opportunity for us all to express our shared commitment to the environment, with this year's theme being ‘Let Justice and Peace Flow.’ Caritas Australia joins the celebration and invites everyone to nurture our common home.

Participants of the launch event will have the opportunity to learn about creating a Laudato Si’ Action Plan and join a community of mutual support. Participants will also gain access to the Australian Guide to Laudato Si' Action Planning. Created by Caritas Australia, the guide will help users initiate practical, meaningful change within their own parish, school, household or organisation as they plan and take action to live Laudato Si’.

“As we all continue our Laudato Si’ journey of transformation, I urge you to take time forming your heart, gathering with others in your Earthcare Community to support and learn from each other and then planning your concrete actions. For, as Pope Francis says, ‘we know that things can change …’“ – Bishop Vincent Long, Chair, Bishops Commission for Social Justice, Mission and Service.

“It is increasingly evident that our relationship with nature is not separate from our relationship with God and others. In a time when environmental challenges are pressing, we must come together and embrace our responsibility to care for the Earth and each other now and for all future generations.” - Kirsty Robertson, CEO, Caritas Australia. 

Caritas Australia invites the Australian Catholic community to embrace this opportunity and join us at the online launch on September 4 at 6:00 PM AEST. Together, we can create a network of mutual support, fostering a sense of shared responsibility and hope for a sustainable future.

For more information and to register for the free launch event, please visit https://www.trybooking.com/CJUOQ .


In-person launch events:

  • Diocese of Sandhurst launch of Season of Creation
    Date: 1 September at 11 AM
    Venue: Notley Picnic Ground, Whipstick Forest, Greater Bendigo National Park
    Mass celebrated by Bishop Shane at 11 AM. Picnic Lunch to follow.   
  • Archdiocese of Brisbane launch of Season of Creation
    Date: September 9 at 6 PM
    Venue: St Stephen’s Cathedral Brisbane. Mass celebrated by Archbishop Mark Coleridge.


Media contact: Aline Peres 0472 699 656 / aline.peres@caritas.org.au


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