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  7. Philippines suffers extensive damage after being hit by multiple typhoons

17 NOV 20

Philippines suffers extensive damage after being hit by multiple typhoons

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Locals Wade Through Floodwaters After Typhoon Vamco Batters The Philippines. Photo Nassacaritas Philippines (1)
Locals Wade Through Floodwaters After Typhoon Vamco Batters The Philippines. Photo NASSA Caritas Philippines (1)

Caritas Australia’s partners are on the ground responding to the immediate needs of hundreds of thousands of people in the aftermath of Typhoon Vamco, which has struck the Philippines only weeks after Typhoon Quinta and Super Typhoon Goni – the most powerful storm this year.

Severe flooding has submerged towns up to 12 metres deep across the Cagayan region of the Philippines in the wake of Typhoon Vamco, leaving tens of thousands of families trapped without electricity, clean water or road access.

Over 170,000 people have been affected by Typhoon Vamco, with around AUD$2.8 million of damage to agricultural land which will take years to recover.

Typhoon Vamco comes in the wake of Super Typhoon Goni which affected over 402,000 people, and forced families into evacuation centres where there is greater risk of spreading COVID-19.

Vietnam and Cambodia have also experienced unprecedented rainfall and severe flooding since early October due to the severe storm surges in the Philippines.

Families across the region are in urgent need of food, water, clothing, hygiene kits, sleeping kits and shelter repair materials.

Caritas Australia will funnel support through church and NGO partners on the ground.

Caritas Australia’s thoughts and prayers are with the people of the Philippines, Vietnam and Cambodia as they face the combined challenges of typhoons, flooding and COVID-19.

Donate to Caritas Australia’s Asia Emergency Appeal to provide support for emergencies like Typhoon Vamco, at caritas.org.au or by calling 1800 024 413 toll free.

Caritas Australia is a member of one of the world’s largest humanitarian networks with 162 agencies operating in 200 countries and territories.

Media contact: Jessica Stone on 0490 684 867 / jessica.stone@caritas.org.au or caritasmedia@caritas.org.au.

Locals Wade Through Floodwaters After Typhoon Vamco Batters The Philippines. Photo Nassacaritas Philippines (1)

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