Turning hardship into opportunity
"Now it's not impossible for me to achieve my dream." - Ronita

Ronita and her children outside the FCJ centre in Quezon City, the Philippines. Photo: Richard Wainwright/Caritas Australia
Ronita and her family had to live in survival mode every day.
When Ronita was a young girl, her mother worked three jobs to support her family. Ronita went to school with yellowing clothes because her mother didn't have enough income and she was frequently bullied by her students and even her teachers.
Ronita was a teenager when she gave birth to her first child and her education prospects were bleak. She lived in a cramped single 10 square metre dwelling with her husband and two children in a crowded slum.
As a mother who wanted the best for her children, Ronita felt heartache when she couldn't afford to send them to the doctor.
Watch this video to learn how your support was a catalyst in Ronita returning to school, graduating and finding a career.
How Alternative Learning classes opened up opportunities for Ronita to complete high school
Faithful Companions of Jesus (FCJ) is Caritas Australia’s local partner in the Philippines that runs a Alternative Learning System (ALS) program with the support of people like you.
Through the ALS program, Ronita was able to re-enrol in her studies and continue learning in a safe and flexible environment. FCJ provided a safe space for students like Ronita to attend classes several times a week and makeup units for their Grade 12 Senior High School Diploma by doing projects and completing a portfolio of work.
After completing the ALS class, Ronita was able to attend senior high school classes, which will enable her to gain qualifications to improve her future job prospects.

Ronita (22), outside her small home in Quezon City, Philippines. Photo: Richard Wainwright/Caritas Australia
“I can go to college and pursue my dream of becoming an English teacher. My teachers on the ALS program inspired me to follow that path.”

Did you know that Ronita's husband would earn under $70 pesos a day, which is the equivalent of $10 a day?
By completing studies through the Alternative Learning Program and starting a career, Ronita was able to increase her household income.

Ronita (22) does homework for her senior high school classes while her sons Egzy Grey (3) and Clark (5) sleep in their home in Quezon City, Philippines. Photo: Richard Wainwright/Caritas Australia