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School Resources

Social and ecological justice resources for teachers. 

Sandhurst JM Camp Benalla Planning

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A story about Phany, a farmer in Cambodia. Learning activities included.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) prayer service. Includes a PowerPoint and separate Leader's notes.

A case study featuring Tereesa from Australia with accompanying activities for secondary students.

A guided reflection highlighting the interconnectedness of all creation.

A resource to understand urbanisation and its affect both in positive and negative ways.

Thandolwayo and her community now have access to clean water. 
Approx 6 mins

Caritas Australia supported Shirley to train as an indigenous health worker in the Philippines. 
Approx. 5 mins

Students explore the definition and perception of refugees and asylum seekers in Australian society.

Information and prayers for World Day of Prayer, Reflection and Action Against Human Trafficking.

This resource is designed to challenge our understanding of the definition of The Common Good. Students are read a statement and they are to decide if they agree, disagree or undecided on the statement. 

Reflect on our strengths and assets and how we can work towards the common good.

A liturgy which can be used during any emergency to pray for those affected.

A story about Jamila, a woman who escaped conflict to find refuge in Cox's Bazar Refugee Camp in Bangladesh. 3 mins

A One Journey, Together. reflection on CSTs and First Nations recognition, truth-telling, equity and reconciliation. 

The Student Action Planner prompts students to think holistically about their actions and includes a template for planning. 

An activity simulating the refugee journey to safety.

Shaniella was able to overcome the challenges of natural disasters, and gain the skills she needs to create a brighter future for herself.

A game based around six families who are working to make a living but who experience the effects of climate change along the way.

A Wagilak woman, Janice is a traditional dancer who has worked to support her community to generate income and employment, while keeping culture alive.

Learn about Caritas Australia, the international aid and development agency of the Catholic Church in Australia. 

A resource designed to understand how we can work towards the common good in our own local communities.

Viewing 64-84 of 164



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