
Bute, a village elder living in southern Ethiopia. Photo: Zacharias Abubeker/Caritas Australia

New food security report shows alarming rise in hunger across Africa

26 Jul 24

A new report on global food security has shown an alarming trend of rising hunger levels across Africa, with nearly 1 in 5 people in the region facing hunger.   

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Thandolwayo's life changed when she could access clean water in her village. Photo: Richard Wainwright/Caritas Australia

Celebrating 60 years of impact

22 Jul 24

We are excited to announce the photo with the most votes from the Caritas Australia 60th Anniversary Virtual Gallery competition.

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Kirsty Robertson and Ms Pham Thi Kieu Le from CRS with a pillow made by program participants at the Organisation of Persons with Disabilities. Photo credit: CRS.

Caritas Australia’s CEO visits partners in Vietnam

17 Jul 24

Caritas Australia's CEO recently visited our partners Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and the Centre for Sustainable Rural Development (SRD) in Vietnam to see some of their disability projects in action.

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NAIDOC Week 2024 logo. Credit: NADIOC.

Keep the Fire Burning by celebrating our First Australian partners this NAIDOC Week

05 Jul 24

This NAIDOC Week Caritas Australia is celebrating its six First Australian Partners, honouring their achievements, contributions, and varied cultures – in all their strength, resilience, and beauty.

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Why you can’t donate goods to Caritas Australia

02 Jul 24

When disasters strike, we get asked one question a lot. Can I donate food, clothes, or other goods to help? The desire to do something more personal than donate money is generous and compassionate, but we must always answer no. 

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Tim and Serena from Caritas Australia having a lunch break with CRS team in Vietnam.

Reflections from Vietnam: My first international content collection trip with Caritas Australia

25 Jun 24

My name is Serena, and as a Content Marketing Specialist at Caritas Australia, I had the privilege to recently travel to Vietnam with the Content Marketing Manager, Tim. As my first content collection trip, I wanted to share my reflections on our time overseas filming and collecting images for next year’s Project Compassion campaign.  

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View of the refugee camp in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh. Photo: Mark Harding/Caritas Australia

A visit to the world's largest refugee camp in Bangladesh

20 Jun 24

Aurora and Mark from the content and communication teams visit Bangladesh in May for a content collection trip. Trips like these are a vital way for us to share stories from the field with our generous community of supporters.  


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Monoranjon and his wife Anita working on their farm. Photo: Mark Harding/Caritas Australia

On the front lines of the climate emergency in Bangladesh

19 Jun 24

Aurora and Mark from the content and communication teams visited Bangladesh in May for a content collection trip. Trips like these are a vital way for us to share stories from the field with our generous community of supporters.



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Time is Running Out: Now is the Perfect Time to Make a Charitable Donation

14 Jun 24

As the end of the financial year approaches, many of us find ourselves looking at ways to maximise our tax returns while also contributing to causes close to our hearts. 

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Search and rescue efforts are underway to find survivors of the landslide disaster. Photo: Getty Images.

Remote communities in Papua New Guinea devastated by landslide

29 May 24

Remote communities in Papua New Guinea have been devastated by a catastrophic landslide that struck the Enga province on 24 May, with hundreds feared dead. 

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Volunteers distribute aid in Beirut. Photo Caritas Lebanon

Regional tensions push Lebanon to breaking point

24 May 24

With a local currency in free fall, fuel and other costs of living skyrocketing, a continuous influx of refugees adding to the already million in the country, the poverty rate effectively doubling and now the impacts of the war in Gaza seeing tens of thousands of displaced people from the south of the country, the people of Lebanon are in a constant state of suffering.

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Through the program, Chiquito learnt sustainable agricultural techniques to improve his farm's productivity. Photo: Tim Lam/Caritas Australia

Laudato Si' Week: Planting Seeds of Hope in our World

16 May 24

This year the theme of Laudato Si’ week centres around ‘seeds of hope’. We are called to consider how we can plant and nurture seeds to be the hope that the world needs

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Chiquito in his farm in Timor Leste. Photo: Tim Lam/Caritas Australia

Food Security in Timor-Leste: Empowering Families for Self-Sufficiency

15 May 24

Accessing food in Timor-Leste remains an ongoing issue for many families, where nearly 1 in 4 people go to sleep hungry every night.  

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A rundown sign at Lemakot Health Centre. Photo Credit: Tara Harvey for Caritas Australia.

A new roof delivers a healthy impact in Lemakot, Papua New Guinea

10 May 24

Caritas visits the Lemakot Health Centre in the New Ireland Province of Papua New Guinea to collect photos and videos of a program focused on improving the facility.

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Ronita holding her son in her home in Quezon City. Photo: Richard Wainwright/Caritas Australia.

Your support is helping mothers in vulnerable communities across the world

10 May 24

As Mother’s Day approaches, we are reminded of the incredible resilience and strength embodied by mothers worldwide, particularly those living in vulnerable communities.  

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Noor (pseudonym used) at the women's shelter in Beirut. Photo: Nicole Chehine/Caritas Australia

A special place where survivors can feel safe

06 May 24

In a suburb of Beirut, Caritas Lebanon hosts a women’s shelter, one of three across the country, providing a safe house and a new start for countless women. Women fleeing war, domestic violence, oppression and poverty. Women with nowhere else to go. Many are Syrian refugees and are without documents so they literally have no options.

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Talaso is a mother of two living in Marsabit, northern Kenya. Photo: Thom Flint/CAFOD

From Aid to Empowerment: The Evolution of Caritas Australia’s Program work in Africa

30 Apr 24

In recent decades, Caritas Australia has evolved its programs to align with key learnings in the aid sector. Far from the welfare approach that pervaded the sector decades ago, Caritas Australia actively pursues evidence-based program models, with a focus on inclusion for those most vulnerable.

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Shaniella from the Solomon Islands in the school garden, rebuilt following cyclone and landslide damage. Photo: Neil Nuia

Earth Day 2024: how we’re working for a safer climate future for all

22 Apr 24

April 22 is Earth Day, a day to reflect on the impact of climate change and advocate for a safer climate future for all.  

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